Pole EXPO 2019

Pole EXPO 2019


The relationship between Pole Expo and Lupit Pole is one of mutual respect - to say the least, and over the past 4 years, it has become a friendship and more. A meeting of kindred spirits, if you will. From the pole instructor and pioneer herself, Fawnia Monday, to this beautiful city of Las Vegas. Pole Expo hits the unsuspecting visitor like a big family reunion. With stunning news, emotional hugs, sincere cheers, political statements, energetic conversations, fresh ideas, new members, old favourites. 

One of the main reasons PE is such a treat for us is that we get to see our colourful, busy, scattered family (almost - we missed you MARION, SERGIA, PETER AND OUR ANGELS ANNIKA AND DANA) all in one place. Here we can share future plans, past victories, and common endeavours. To say we are honoured and proud is an understatement. It is truly a privilege to know and work with such talent. We talked about what Jennifer Lopez was wearing when she found our custom short-legged Lupit Stage in her New York apartment (a bathrobe and she was holding a coffee cup) with Johanna Sapakie - an acrobatic 'stripper' all her own. ALBERTO DEL CAMPO let us in on a little secret about his latest ideas for performances, and we have to say they are simple, basic and raw, and although we can not reveal what they are yet, we can tell you what he will be using for them - you know it - Lupit Pole Stage.

We were a little disappointed when the beautiful Phoenix Kazree (she gets more beautiful every time we see her, but we have yet to discover her secret) did not have time to go to the Cardi B concert with us due to her demanding international clientele.

Watching Paige Olson evolve from a talented kid to a very level-headed, personable and articulate young woman is inspiring. Talking with Kenneth Kao about experimental photography and trends in digital content consumption is a conversation on another level. Marlo Fisken's undeniable popularity and calm demeanour lend a special aura to the flow expert herself, and #squadgoals is complete with fresh-faced badass Carly Child. (Some of us will be forever grateful for the impromptu dance session with Carly, Kerri & Co. in the lobby of the Rio Hotel where the expo was held).

Pole EXPO 2019


What further underlined the fam #feelz in Vegas is a simple fact that so many pole dancers brought their children. There was a man wearing a t-shirt saying ‘POLE DAD’ and we felt that. Fawnia’s little prince Raven got a very special gift from the Lupit team. The first-ever Baby Stage. Mom and dad were excited and Raven wasted no time. He loved the silver stage and he even got his first little kiss on it. (It was a peck actually, but too cute not to mention it.)  We expected Raven to like it since he is pole royalty; what we did not see coming is how many kids are in love with Lupit poles, hoops and lollypops. We met more #polemoms, pregnant pole dancers, and pole families than ever before. We saw children go for gymnastic tricks on the equipment naturally like it is a swing or a trampoline. To top this amazing experience off, we got the Children’s choice award for the best equipment. It felt like the future is bright, fun, and stigma-free. Fingers crossed. Not just in terms of sports - although the cuteness overload during the children’s category of UPSF competitions is real - the more important idea for us is that kids and parents alike understand that pole & aerial equipment should be played with.     


Much like a Christmas morning, we could not wait to show off our new Aerial line. With a little help from our ambassador Alberto del Campo we announced (finally) the launch. To observe Johanna Sapakie in action is a lesson in professionalism, kindness, responsibility, and joy. Her performances on the Lupit Hoop and Lupit Silk were mesmerizing. To see a world-renowned performer kill it on the products that took years to develop is a ‘pinch us’ moment. Especially considering how deeply involved our ambassadors, partners, and pole influencers are in the planning and producing of our equipment, the live teaser for Lupit Aerial was a full-circle moment. You can expect to see Lupit Aerial in full swing (pun intended) worldwide in October 2019. 

It is not only our wish but our goal to cater to the acrobatic/pole/dance/aerial community’s true needs. That is why we keep our ears so close to the pole. We listen. It is our great pleasure to see the whole field progress into all sorts of subgenres. One of the most outstanding performances we saw at Pole Expo was a comedy/theatre/circus number that took the venue by storm. The crowd was laughing out loud as  Alberto del Campo and Noah Bremer brought the house down. Seems like theatre is becoming more and more important in the pole world and we can’t wait to see what else the future might bring. 


Rio wasn’t built in a day, so to understand what’s to come one must know a bit of history. Fawnia Mondey is without a doubt one of the most influential pole dancers to ever spin her stuff on the pole. She truly is a pioneer. We sat down with Fawnia and talked about how different our understanding of pole art is today vs. let’s say 10 years ago. You’ll read all about it here. Soon. 

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